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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

iNtErView here and there -.-

Salam and peace upon to all viewers.

nmpk x tjuk kt ats uwh??

hahakk yeappp... eira kn after upsr girl.. *btol kehh* hehe

bkn nk carikk keje.. tp interview msok itu laa ini laa..

well, eira dpt 5A *alhamdulillah* . so eira apply bykk.

sblom upsr dh kne apply sbp. eira plihh Sekolah Seri Puteri, Cyberjaya.
nk tau crite sbnr? sbnrnye along eira - abg sulong eira, sohh eira click SMAP Kajang. tp eira tatawu la.. trgerak hatii inihhh utk plehh seri puteri. *winkwink*

then ttibe smpai la surat pggilan tmdga... yeay! yeay! melompat2! kiteorg pon drive there.! pnye la jaohhh .. eee... dh la ssat.. mule2 gne GPS sis Izzy, then henponn die mmpus bin mati...hahakk! ape lg mule la cuak binti gelabah!

rpenye2. pegi depan skitt je then jmpe la skolah tuhh.. dh la signboard skolahh tu pnye la kecikk!

eee~ then we stay for a night.

bbrp ari kmdiann smpai surat imtiaz lakk..imtiaz is a school where students memorize the whole holy quran and learn academic.. well, motto nye ~ the best school in the world. *tidak dnfikan*

aq pegi larr and everything went okay *kot* . hehe msehh cuakk

then kiteorg drive to pekan , pahang~ ngeee ngeee ngeee :D

my dream school ugakk nie.. MRSM Tun Abd Razak , Pekan, Pahang..

pnye la uluuu.. eee.. skit ati *jugak*

tp tape la sbb MRSM ni ade sjil IGCSE. iaitu Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education..

which is...

ssuatu yg.. enta laa aq bce kt internet ckp sjil ni kne blaja 70 subjeks - 9 areas . languages and humanities and so on. gile aq ble bce.. seb bek aq nie jnis suke belajar..

*saya budak baru belajar*



hihihi..~ smpai laa ari khamis ni plakk .. yeee this coming thursday! ujian pe nth kt Smaasza. hurm! wish me luck je la k.

yeahh , aq dpt 4 tawaran tmduga..

1, Sekolah Seri Puteri, Cyberjaya.
2, SM Imtiaz, The best school in the world.
3, MRSM Tun Abd Razak, Pekan,Pahang.
4, SMAASZA. x igt dh stands for pe.. hehe

hurmm.. sume ni eira isi sndri tauu.. cume rjuk kt ayh n ibu je kjp2. hehe.. enta laa eira dh rse nk start jd autonomous learner~ independent lar mksod nye..

well this all my entry today. mls nk tlis notes. sgt mls br smpai dr pahang kottt..
thanks viewing~

Thanks for reading . Enjoy yourself here !

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