expr:class='"loading" + data:blog.mobileClass'>


Saturday, March 19, 2011

going back to hell


im going back to hell ? ehh nampak kan tajuk tu ? budush .
kene balik asrama lahh.
yang boring , yang ''less rest, more homework''

mencikkk denn D:


tapi best jugak boleh ushaaaaa .............................

HAHAHA lmfao xD

but i really have to meet Amirah Aqilah , my bestie there [HOT NEWS darl!]
to Khairunnisa Kamal, aku memang tanak balik !! but i have to. budush.

to all bloggers, yeah aku takkan online lagi till the next holiday. awww sedih kan ? AHAHA

but still i love my darling : Belle , jumpe lagi :D and keep it up the good job in world of blog :

ohh lupe nak kenalkan , ni my new bestie , [ i still love u old friends]
same type with me

Amirah Aqilah binti Mohd Noor [see, aku ingat name kau]

that's all peeps,
toodless :)

Thanks for reading . Enjoy yourself here !

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

.:. rEUniOn 48 miles .:.

hey guys!

welcome back! yeahh xD

i juz got back from college . huh . fennnatt

plus ngn homework yg byk gile gaban nak mati tuuhh . *grrr*

and yeahhh ! i met my friends AGAIN AT LAST !

huh , rndu glerr .


now im 13
so mummy kasi kluaa hang out with my friends that day .. wheeww

p/s: im not sure why they laughed =='

*please ignore the leftover food there*

yeaa pompuan jee . no guys allowed .

may old acquaintance be forgot. . .


and finally ..

of course me



Thanks for reading . Enjoy yourself here !

Hakcipta terpelihara . Dilarang mencopy-copy .